innovation, reformer, historiography, khanates, concept, intellectual, monograph, dissertationAbstract
We remember Professor Tashmanbet Kenensariev as a mentor, a real scientist, an experienced teacher, an energetic leader, a reformer rich in ideas working with innovative methods, a luminary of science and a devoted husband to his wife, a great father and grandfather. Our mentor rejected the immutable scientific-theoretical conclusion about the voluntary annexation of the Kyrgyz people to Russia and came to the conclusion that the territory of southern Kyrgyzstan was conquered by military force. Also in Soviet historiography, the history of the Kokon Khanate was considered separate from the history of the Kyrgyz and was celebrated as the history of Uzbekistan. Prof. T. Kenensariev proposed the concept that the history of the Kokon Khanate is an integral part of the history of Kyrgyzstan. Considering the issue of personal cognition as one of the integral directions of historiography, Iskhak Asan uulu Polot Khan, Alymkul Atalyk and Kurmanjan Datka and other historical, statesmen who played a significant role in the history of Kyrgyzstan, laid the foundation for the real liberation struggle of the Kyrgyz people. He was able to reveal the history, activities and historical role of the heroes of the people, made a significant contribution to the issue of studying historical personalities in Kyrgyz historiography. In addition, he conducted fundamental research in the field of political science and conflictology related to the political, socio-economic development of Kyrgyzstan, and made specific recommendations to the government.
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Көрүнүктүү тарыхчы, КРнын билим берүүсүнө эмгек сиңирген кызматкер, тарых илиминин доктору, профессор Ташманбет Кененсариевдин 70-жылдык мааракесине арналган «Манас таануунун, кыргызтаануунун жана ата-мекен тарыхынын актуалдуу маселелери» аттуу эл аралык илимий практикалык конференциянын материалдары. И.Арабаев атындагы КМУнун Жарчысы илимий журналы. Атайын чыгарылышы. -Бишекек, 2019.
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- 2024-08-15 (1)
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