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degradation, morality, personality, impoverishment, mountain, cradle, avalanches, spirit, conscience


At the beginning of the 20th century, the meaning of the word began to acquire actual significance. What does the word "degrade" mean in the modern world? This is the process of transition from a complex state to a simpler one, when there is a gradual simplification, destruction, decline or loss of properties, qualities of a person, another organism, society, nature, system, molecules.Degradation affects all spheres of life and can affect any phenomenon, process. A phenomenon that is in the center of attention and is being studied by many scientists of completely different sciences and fields. By itself, a person does not contain the potential for destruction, but such cases are still observed. What does personality degradation mean? This is, first of all, the appearance of two important signs - depression and apathy. A person begins to lose balance, learning ability, the desire to learn about the world around him, to develop, to constantly be in dynamics. What does human degradation mean? This is a process of loss of qualities and properties inherent in a person, feelings, judgments, abilities, laid down at birth, are lost. Memory worsens, the ability to concentrate attention, there is no interest in life and the world around. That is why an important direction is the analysis of the problem of personality degradation, carried out both on the material of individual literary works, and in the creative heritage of writers-philosophers of a whole period, for example, the end of the 20th beginning.The article deals with the degradation of the personality: the impoverishment of the spirit, the moral decline of the personality in the works of Ch. Aitmatov "When the mountains fall", "The chopping block", etc. The image of the mountain, its greatness occupies a priority place among other natural images. The writer shows a person who is able to betray his land and his mountains, to trample on all existing values in pursuit of money. And if a person does not stop now, does not change his mind, then a catastrophe will break out in the human mind, a person will degrade, and as a result, we can lose our human face and our homeland.


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2023-11-15 — Updated on 2023-11-15


How to Cite

Isakov , K., Asanova , D., & Abytova , G. (2023). PHILOSOPHICAL PROJECTION OF HUMAN DEGRADATION IN THE WORKS OF CH. AITMATOV. Journal of Osh State University. Philosophy. Sociology. Political Science, (1(1), 23–31.