periphery, civilizations, subcontinent, analogue, regionAbstract
The article considers South Asia as one of the oldest civilizations in the world, which today plays a key role in the economic and political life of Southeast Asia. This region is characterized by its dynamic and strategic development, which significantly affects its place and role in the most densely populated part of the world. The Indian subcontinent deserves scientific attention due to the peculiarities of reconstruction. The article discusses the changes and transformations that help to understand the patterns of economic and political life of developing countries, their features and problems.According to the South Asia Economic Focus, the region's growth prospects, strengthened by the limited impact of global turbulence and increased investment activity, remain strong. However, favorable conditions are already showing signs of deterioration. Capital inflows to the region have declined and remittances from oil-exporting countries have begun to decline. Fuel and food prices remain low, but are unlikely to fall further. As a result, GDP growth has been slower than previously expected, and inflation has been rising steadily in recent years.
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