vocal, oratorio, emotion, songology, spiritual food, psychological encouragementAbstract
In this article, the goal is set for the beginning of singing for students who are new to singing. We make the issue of primary education, the pursuit of knowledge, assimilation of it, and the formation of methods of producing productive singing results from it, an urgent topic. We wanted to put aside the idea that the foundation of the Kyrgyz national singing genre was created by the arrival of current professional composers, and we wanted to celebrate the fact that there were calls like "Mountain Nightingale - Stop" and its truth. We are making an effort to make Kyrgyz songs of Kyrgyz songs, who contributed a lot to the growth of folk song, Myskal Omurkanova, Kayyrgul Sartbaeva, and Saliyma Bekmuratova, to bring them to classical professionalism while eliminating the illiteracy of others. It was discussed about the "art of song" as a part of formation in the socialist era, which included the complex life and important issues of the entire humanity at that time. Therefore, what we will study will be about the place of "singing art" in Kyrgyz culture.
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