folklore, genre, mood, nature of music, musical, acoustic conceptsAbstract
The Kyrgyz are fighting for survival, preserving their culture among peoples living side by side with their culture. For example, in the oral and written information of the Uzbek, Kazakh and Turkmen peoples, the Turkic tribe can be called one of the most ancient peoples of Central Asia. The Kyrgyz people lead a nomadic lifestyle and develop their common culture based on their geographical location, their traditions, customs, and way of life. During the historical period of the existence of our people, musical culture included various genres, became increasingly enriched and reached the modern level, being remembered by neighboring peoples for its vibrant culture. Therefore, it is correct to connect the era of Kyrgyz culture before the transition to written sources with folklore. Folklore is the science of folk and art. Folklore studies the collective creativity created by the people (oral works of art, songs, music, dance, drama, etc.). The study of Kyrgyz folklore and its history begins in Soviet times. This article describes the first studies of Kyrgyz folklorists, describing the nature, genres and methods of folk music, the interpreted meaning of the valuable works of folklorists studying the history of Kyrgyz folklore.
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