
  • Abdymitalip Kamytovich Murzakmetov Osh State University




Babur, “Babur-name”, flora, botanical terms, Fergana Valley


“Babur-name” is the memoirs of Zahir ad-din Muhammad Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire, a descendant of Tamerlane. Written in the Chagatai language, which at that time was called “Turkic”. Babur, whose life was full of constant wars, expressed his experiences in his works and skillfully described the cultural characteristics of the places he visited. In this regard, “Babur-name” is not only a description of the author’s biography, but also a valuable source for studying the history, culture, life of peoples, flora and fauna of the areas that Babur visited. In this respect, the work is almost a folklore-ethnographic encyclopedia. This article collects the names of plants mentioned in Babur-nama, their significance during Babur's time, their use in everyday life and all the information related to the plant world in general. Our article emphasized that “Babur-name” is a cultural property that requires research to clarify the history of Kyrgyz culture.


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How to Cite

Murzakmetov , A. K. (2024). FLORA OF CENTRAL ASIA IN “BABUR-NAME”. Journal of Osh State University. Philology, (1(3), 12–20. https://doi.org/10.52754/16948874_2024_1(3)_2