
  • Samrat Ray International Institute of Management Studies
  • Raja Roy Choudhury International Institute of Management Studies




entrepreneurial universities, bibliometric analysis, higher education, educational programs, research activities


The following paper features a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the available literature concerning entrepreneurial universities in the business and management fields. Through scientific databases of Web of Science, 511 papers were ensured and systematically compiled using Bibliometrix-an RStudio package for performance analytics and Science Mapping. It reveals the history of contributing authors, institutions, themes, and geographic focus of articles, published in the field of entrepreneurial universities. The findings show that the topic in question has been gaining more and more attention in recent decades and more publications have been increasingly produced. It revealed renowned writers including Henry Etzkowitz, Loet Leydesdorff, David Audretsch, and distinguished universities including Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and University of Cambridge. Qualitative content analysis identifies several broad research themes, such as university business relations, technology transfer and commercialization, entrepreneurship teaching, and policy. In addition, they emphasize the global significance of entrepreneurial universities based on the contributions of researchers and institutions from around the world. As demonstrated by the United States and Europe being the most productive and relevant regions, it is also imperative that the Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Africa also offer impressive entrepreneurial output contributing to innovation and economic growth in various geographical environments. Consequently, the results of this study hold important implications for policymakers, educators, and practice in the areas of higher education and entrepreneurship. Policy makers can employ them to formulate better policies and frameworks that will be helpful for entrepreneurial universities and the development of innovation regimes. They can utilise the findings to enhance the curriculum and the programs which could foster the entrepreneurial disposition and skills among students. The study findings will be useful to practitioners such as university administrators and leaders from other sectors to understand and address the drivers of entrepreneurship and technology transfer. In sum, this research serves to extend the body of knowledge and guide policy/ practice in the area of entrepreneurial universities.


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How to Cite

Ray, S., & Choudhury, R. R. (2024). EXPLORING ENTREPRENEURIAL UNIVERSITIES: A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS IN THE BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT FIELDS . Journal of Osh State University. Economics, (1(4), 200–215. https://doi.org/10.52754/16948734_2024_1(4)_28