https://doi.org/10.52754/16948688_2023_1(2)_7Ачкыч сөздөр:
фурадонин, фуразидин, нитрофаразон, нифуроксазид, кобальт, никель, цинк, комплекс, препаратив, механо-химия, оптималдуу, синтез, анализАннотация
This article describes the methods for the synthesis of complex compounds of cobalt, nickel chlorides with drugs furadonin, furazidin, nitrofarazon and nifuroxazide, which are currently considered the most relevant antibiotics, using preparative and mechano-chemical methods. Before synthesis, furadonin, furazidin, nitrofarazon, and nifuroxazide were additionally purified according to a special procedure. Various synthesis options have been proposed, and it has been determined that the most optimal metal-ligand ratio is 1:1. Elemental analysis of the composition of the synthesized complex compounds revealed the content of cobalt, nickel, chlorine, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur and confirmed that the synthesized complex compounds are new compounds. In elemental analysis, complexometric, atomic adsorption, and gravitational analyzes, combustion in an oxygen flow, and the Dumas method were used.
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