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  • Kutmanaly Stamaliev Osh State University
  • Abdimannap Abdykaarov Osh State University
  • Gulipa Doolotova Osh State University
  • Akmatbek Begmatov Osh State University
  • Meerimgul Mederbek kyzy Osh State University
  • Ainura Abdivali kyzy Osh State University



Corvidae, edificator, urbanization, biotope, landscape, ecosystem


The article investigates the impact of climate change occurring on Earth on living organisms, including birds. Climate change-increases in temperature, changes in precipitation, weather hazards, changes in seasons-also includes climatic factors that are analyzed as having negative impacts on the environment. Factors, which are analyzed as having negative consequences for the range, reproduction and migration routes of all living organisms, including birds. As a result of the trend of human development, birds belonging to the bird family (Corvidae) that inhabit the urban ecosystem at a time when the process of urbanization dominated and led to irreversible changes in natural landscapes were studied. As a result, the species composition of birds, birds of prey (Corvidae) inhabiting the studied biotope, absolute quantitative indices, species occupying dominant and subdominant positions were calculated. Quantitative indicators, the nature of species stay in urban biotopes of the studied objects were also proved. In the study biotope, 6 species of birds (Corvidae) were identified. According to quantitative indicators it was confirmed, that the dominant position is occupied by the Corvus frugilegus (30.1%), subdominant by the Corvus corone (27.3%), and background species: Pica pica (18.0%) and Corvus corax (14.6%).


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2024-12-02 — Updated on 2024-12-09


How to Cite

Stamaliev, K., Abdykaarov, A., Doolotova, G., Begmatov, A., Mederbek kyzy, M., & Abdivali kyzy, A. (2024). BIODIERSITY OF BIRDS (CORVIDAE) IN URBANIZED ECOSYSTEMS UNDER CONDITIONS OF CLIMATE CHANGE. Journal of Osh State University. Chemistry. Biology. Geography, (2(5), 54–63. (Original work published December 2, 2024)

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