
  • Bolotbek Karimov Osh State University
  • Meder Bolotbekovich Karimov Osh State University
  • Aigerim Nuridin kyzy Osh State University
  • Aizhamal Abdilatif kyzy Osh State University




Lemna minor, Lemna trisulca), Lemna turionifera Landol, Wolffia arrhiza L. Wimmer, feed additive, cultivation


The article presents data characterizing the ecological and biological characteristics of Lemna minor L., L. trisulca L., L. turionifera Landolt and introduced Wolffia arrhiza (L.) found in Kyrgyzstan. The results of experiments on the use of duckweed biomass as a feed additive in the diet of birds and fish are also presented. The results of the experiments showed that duckweed, when fed daily to birds in an amount of 10% per head for 90 days, does not have a negative effect on the body of experienced birds. Thus, during the observation period, all birds were clinically healthy, willingly and completely ate the test food, actively responded to the environment and noticeably increased in live weight. Body temperature, pulse and respiratory rates in all experimental birds were within the limits of initial data and fluctuations of the physiological norm.


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2024-12-02 — Updated on 2024-12-02


How to Cite

Karimov, B., Karimov, M. B., Nuridin kyzy, A., & Abdilatif kyzy , A. (2024). LEMNACEAE OF KYRGYZSTAN, PROSPECTS FOR THEIR USE AS A FEED ADDITIVE. Journal of Osh State University. Chemistry. Biology. Geography, (2(5), 39–45. https://doi.org/10.52754/16948688_2024_2(5)_5