structural features of leaves, apple variety, mesophile, leaf anatomy, mechanical tissueAbstract
The article is devoted to the structural features of the leaves of the following widespread apple varieties: Rennet Semerenko, Crimson crisp, Superior, Zhyldyz, Tash alma, Golden Delicious. It has been established that the studied varieties are found in more or less favorable irrigated areas of the region, however, the adaptive characteristics differ significantly. This shows the unequal ways of adapting them to the conditions of their habitat. The general plan of the leaf structure of the studied varieties is similar: it consists of epidermis, assimilation, conductive and mechanical tissue. The leaves of all varieties are hypostomate, the mesophyll is of the dorsoventral type. The studied varieties, although distributed in more or less similar irrigated conditions, nevertheless differ in leaf characteristics (table). The study showed that apple tree varieties are characterized by relatively high upper and, conversely, very thin lower epiderms. Mesophyll is of the dorsoventral type, the palisade coefficient ranges from 35% to 65%.
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