
  • Egemnazar Aidaraliev Osh State University
  • Aigul Dosnazarova Osh State University




inventory, national parks, microreserve, biodiversity, anthropogenic factors, visual records of vertebrates, birds, mammals


The article reflects the activities of the private microreserve "Muz-Bulak". It is located in the border Batken region. The purpose of creating the micro-reserve was to protect unique natural complexes in the Aigul-Too mountain range. There are caves, riverine plant communities, and unique fauna. Using the example of a private micro-reserve, the capabilities of private initiative groups in solving local environmental problems are shown. Very often, state environmental organizations do not pay attention to what they consider “small” problems. These “small” issues appear “big” for small areas. Local NGOs know them well. Therefore, such initiative groups deserve all possible support. On the territory of the Muz-Bulak micro-reserve there is a well-developed forest cover, consisting of conifers and shrubs, which have water-protective, soil-retaining and landscape-forming significance. Due to the powerful impact of anthropogenic pressure on the species diversity of animals in many areas, a comprehensive inventory of fauna is needed in order to assess its dynamics.


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How to Cite

Aidaraliev , E., & Dosnazarova, A. (2024). ON THE ECOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF THE MICRORESERVE “MUZ-BULAK”. Journal of Osh State University. Chemistry. Biology. Geography, (1(4), 15–22. https://doi.org/10.52754/16948688_2024_1(4)_3