Linear assessment of the exterior of cows of the tajik black mottle breed in the conditions of the dekhkan farm im. b. mahsud of sughd region
Tajik type of black-and-white breed, Holstein breed, cow, genotype, bloodlines, exterior, constitution, measurements, and productivityAbstract
The article discusses and presents the results of a comparative study of cows of the Tajik type of black-motley breed of different genotypes according to the exterior on the example of the cooperative enterprise of the dekhkan farm named after. B. Makhsud B. Gafurov district of Sughd region. It has been established that there is not a single cow on the farm, which, according to body measurements, was ideal and served as a standard, the number of cows is smaller in terms of indicators, only approaching them. To do this, we set ourselves the task of finding the best among the groups, which, according to the results of measurements, became models of the Tajik type of black-and-white breed. Studies have determined that these indicators in the I - th group, which had 1/2 - bloodlines according to Holstein - 1948, in the II - group 3/4 - 1969 and in the III - th group 7/8 - 1930. The instability of this index was in limit of 20 - 25%. In general, the relationship of this index with milk production for 305 days of lactation was positive and equaled r= 0.300.
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