Stages of the formation of the Veterinary Statutory Body of the Kyrgyz Republic in the period 2088-2022


  • Kubatbek Mamatkulov Institute of Biotechnology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic



Veterinary Statutory Body, The Veterinary Chamber, private veterinary practice, Government regulation, self-regulation, Code of Ethics, the Register of private veterinarians, the minimum qualification requirements, competition in private veterinary practice


In the chain of livestock production the veterinary system is a major component. Therefore, bringing the National Veterinary System in line with an International standards is a major factor in increasing the country's export potential. International standards set that the country has to have an Autonomous Body to regulate the private veterinary practice. Therefore bringing the National Legislation into the line with International standards will provide the epizootic and food security and open the way to the creation of international trade relations.


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How to Cite

Mamatkulov, K. (2023). Stages of the formation of the Veterinary Statutory Body of the Kyrgyz Republic in the period 2088-2022. Journal of Osh State University. Agriculture: Agronomy, Veterinary and Zootechnics, (1(2), 66–71.