Density of infestation of rice fields in Kyrgyzstan
rice, weeds, chicken millet, tubers, reed, gumay, annual, perennial, cereal, biological group, family, numberAbstract
In Kyrgyzstan, the main number of weeds are in the range of weed density from 1-5 to 15-50 pieces/m2. Chicken millet, cane and rice-like leersia have a maximum density in the range of 1-5 pcs/m2, and respectively 21.2, 5.6 and 2.4% of the total area of rice fields. Subsequently, the percentage of weed infestation of rice fields by these weeds at a weed density of 5-15 pcs/m2 decreases to 13.9, 3.9 and 1.0%, respectively. And with a weed density of 15-50 pcs/m2, there is no rice-like leersia at all, and reed is only 1.0%, chicken millet 6.9% of the total area under rice. At the same time, rice weeds Klubnekamysh and Gumai have the highest percentage of infestation, with their density from 5 to 15 pcs/m2, respectively, 15.9 and 13.6% of the total area of rice cultivation. And with a density of 1 to 5 pieces / m2, these figures are respectively 10.4 and 8.8%. Also, these weeds have fairly large affected areas with a weed density of 15 to 50 pcs/m2, and respectively 7.4 and 8.1% of the total area of rice cultivation. It should also be noted that the weed Leersia rice-like has the smallest distribution both in terms of the area of weeds and their density. A comparative analysis of different zones of rice cultivation in Kyrgyzstan showed that the areas of weediness, with their different densities, differ significantly by region, and in particular their density of weediness (pcs/m2) is the highest in Batken region.
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