vector ticks, lymph nodes, fever, anemia, ulcers, icteria, autopsy, parenchymal organsAbstract
This paper presents the results of a clinical examination of pathoanatomic changes and microscopic examination of a clinically ill bovine taileriosis in the northern regions of Karakalpakstan under natural conditions. 500 heads of cattle in farms and the private sector of Kanlykul, Nukus and Khodjeyli districts were examined. During the clinical examination of the suspected animals, clinical signs were characterized by an increase in superficial regional lymph nodes, fever, redness of visible mucous membranes lacrimation. To diagnose suspected animals of the periphery, blood was taken and smears were prepared, stained according to Romanovsky-Giemse, and the pathogen Theileria annulata was identified from 76 animal heads. An autopsy was performed on dead and forcibly killed animals with a severe form of the disease. A pathological examination revealed characteristic macroscopic changes for teileriosis, abnormalities in the organs, especially nodular lesions in the abomasum. Teileriosis is registered in the regions of Karakalpakstan in spring, summer times are more common and less common in autumn. Disease vectors are pasture mites.
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