sod-podzolic soil, agrochemical indicators, soil profiles, haymaking, herbage, mineral fertilizersAbstract
Morphological changes of sod-podzolic loamy soil during its haymaking use for 85 years are traced. The description of soilоfillets under different methods of using grass stands and their influence on plantcover, as well as morphological changes in the sod-humus horizon, is carried out. It was found that the presence of a sufficient amount of biomass or crop residues with the con-stant use of mineral fertilizers (N120P60K90) contributed to an increase in the sod-illuvial horizon and a decrease in the podzolic one, but the presence or lack of it did not significantly affect the acidic background of the soil of the experimental site. The content of humic substances in the soil, mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium in natural conditions (reserved) largely depended on the volume of biomass, but the highest value of these indicators in the experiment was obtained in the variant with the use of mineral fertilizers. Migration of nitrogen, calcium, and magnesium was observed. The maximum content of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium was found in the humus horizon up to 30 cm. A common feature of mineral elements is the presence of two horizons with the maximum content: in the sodм and transitionalм to the soil-forming rock.
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