About the Journal
The scientific journal “Journal of Osh State University. Agriculture: agronomy, veterinary and zootecnics” was founded on the basis of the 7th Protocol of the Academic Council of Osh State University dated April 20, 2022 in order to increase the impact factor of scientific journals of the university and further implement the policy of inclusion in international scientific databases.
In June 22, 2022 the journal “Journal of Osh State University. Agriculture: agronomy, veterinary and zootecnics” was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic under No. 10302.
The journal publishes articles in three languages – Kyrgyz, Russian and English, accepts materials for publication free of charge. The journal does not charge for the submission of articles, their review and publication. Author’s royalties are not paid.
Publication frequency: 2 issues per year (additional special issues are possible).
The “Journal of Osh State University. Agriculture: agronomy, veterinary and zootecnics” provides open access to its content on the official website of the journal. This provides greater information access to the journal throughout the global scientific community.
Electronic versions of the journal materials are placed on the website https://journal.oshsu.kg/index.php/agriculture in the public domain.
Under an agreement between CrossRef and Osh State University, the journal was assigned the prefix DOI 10.52754. On the basis of this agreement, each article published in the “Journal of Osh State University. Agriculture: agronomy, veterinary and zootecnics” is assigned a DOI number.
Osh State University